IntAct is released monthly. All IntAct data and software is freely available to all users, academic or commercial, under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
From https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/intact/current
Contents of the IntAct FTP directory:
all.zip: entire contents of this directory, compressed.
cv: controlled vocabularies.
IntAct data in PSI-MI XML format:
psi25: IntAct data in PSI-MI XML 2.5 format.
psi30: IntAct data in PSI-MI XML 3.0 format.
See the PSI website for a detailed PSI-MI XML format description.
intact.zip: entire contents of the database in a single file.
pmidMITAB27.zip: entire contents of the database, each file represents a publication.
various: Data subsets for exchange with collaborating databases.
Sentences for text-mining - textual evidence of manually curated interactions.
Complex Portal FTP directory:
psi25: IntAct complexes in PSI-MI XML 2.5 format.
psi30: IntAct complexes in PSI-MI XML 3.0 format.
See the PSI website for a detailed PSI-MI XML format description.
Last updated