2. Editor and Publication life-cycle
For most small scale experiments (usually less than 100 binary interactions or less than 100 interactors per n-ary interaction) the IntAct data entry is made using the editor. The editor is available for curation only and needs a login and password. The editor can upload a list of interactors and enable the curator to assign common roles, expression details and annotations to the participants. A separate editor guide is available for anyone interested in curating within the IntAct database (request by mailing intact-help@ebi.ac.uk).
Every IntAct object, for example experiment, interaction, interactor, participant, feature, annotation, biosource, CV object is given an IntAct accession (AC) number when it is created. Every object is identified by an optional full name and mandatory short label. All objects in an editor page are allocated an Intact AC number on pressing ‘Save’.
2.1 The publication life cycle
A publication is initiated by entering a PMID and pressing <Auto-complete>.
Once the entry has been saved, it is assigned to that curator as owner of the entry.
When the complete publication has been curated, the curator clicks on the <Ready for checking> button. At this point, a reviewer takes over the publication and checks if the data is entered correctly. The status changes to ‘To be reviewed’.
Once this entry is checked and ‘Accepted’ it is ‘Ready for release’. If the entry is not accepted by the reviewer it is returned to the curator tagged as ‘Curation in progress’ and the background colour changes to red. The curator must then address the points raised by the reviewer.
Once the entry is ready to be rechecked, the curator presses the <Ready for (re) checking button>. Feedback from curator to reviewer can be added by pressing the <Correction comments> button. The background colour changes to yellow and the entry has a ‘Ready for checking’ status.
This process continues until the entry is released.
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